It's time to get political!!
As the school year winds down, it is time to get political! You heard us - start campaigning and get elected!!
We need amazing parents to nominate themselves and other equally amazing parents for the five positions of the PTA Executive Board: 2 co-presidents, 2 co-secretaries and one Treasurer.
Nominate yourself here!
What will I be doing?
Our main goal is to support the students and the school, and we aim to achieve that by 1) fundraising for the general fund to afford enrichment programs, and 2) organize events to bring the school community together (also because it's fun). We also work closely with the Parent Coordinator and School Admin to support in any way we can during the school year.
While "Executive Board" sounds so serious and fancy, we're just a bunch of down to earth parents hustling down the hallway or trying to figure the cash register at the Book Fair. In addition to organizing and running events and fundraisers, there is designing and printing of flyers, decorating the bulletin boards, website building, some simple accounting, etc....
And all positions are for one school year, and you can be nominated and elected again the following year.
What would I get in return?
It's a great way to be involved with your child and contribute to the school community. You will find camaraderie with fellow board members, the amazing Wellness Council, parent coordinator and the wonderful other volunteers that devote their spare time to help in whichever way possible.
There is immense fulfillment in starting and seeing an event through to the end. It's like working out - it may tire you out, but you feel great afterwards! And you feel so warm and fuzzy from knowing that you made a difference, however much.
And you can't beat the on your child's face when they see in the hallway during school hours.